Shabbat - (Hebrew: שַׁבָּת, Modern Shabbat Tiberian Šabbāṯ, Ashkenazi pronunciation: Shabbos, Yiddish: Shabbes, in English: the Sabbath, "rest" or "cessation") - Wikipedia
The Sabbath comes from the Hebrew “rest”, rest from what?
The Sabbath was a holy day before the giving of the law, even from the earliest times (cf. the account of the creation—Gen. 2:2–3; the sacredness of the number 7; the narrative of the manna—Ex. 16:23–30; and the narrative of the man gathering sticks—Num. 15:32–36; cf. v. 34); but we have no evidence of its observance in patriarchal times. This is no doubt due to the scantiness of the record, for the Sabbath is an eternal principle, and would have existed from the days of Adam, whenever the gospel was on the earth among men. (Bible Dictionary – Sabbath)
What does “holy” mean?
According to the O.T. things or places were holy that were set apart for a sacred purpose; the opposite of holy is therefore common or profane. The word holy therefore came to refer to moral character…in the writings of the Prophets it is clearly laid down that the value of worship in the eyes of God depends upon the personal character of the worshipper. (Bible Dictionary – Holiness)
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?
Gospel Principles suggests one attends church meetings and rest from their labors. Also avoid daily work or other activities such as shopping, sporting events, and other similar activities on that day.
“Our Sabbath-day behavior is a reflection of our commitment to honor and worship God. When a community or nation grows careless in its Sabbath activities, its religious life decays and all aspects of life are negatively affected. Latter-day Saints should set this holy day apart from activities of the world by entering into a spirit of worship, thanksgiving, service, and family-centered activities appropriate to the Sabbath. As Church members endeavor to make their Sabbath activities compatible with the intent and Spirit of the Lord, their lives will be filled with joy and peace.” (Preach My Gospel p. 74)
In relation to the story about the apostate Zoramites in Alma 31, the Book of Mormon Student Manuel shares the following. “Today there are those who have also fallen into similar false practices. Unless we are careful to guard against it, we too could fall into some of the same traps of routine prayers, worshipping only weekly during the three-hour block and not thinking of God again during the week, only praying in a set place, or becoming materialistic and prideful.
“Daily fervent prayers seeking forgiveness and special help and direction are essential to our lives and the nourishment of our testimonies. When we become hurried, repetitive, casual, or forgetful in our prayers, we tend to lose the closeness of the Spirit, which is so essential in the continual direction we need to successfully manage the challenges of our everyday lives. Family prayer every morning and night adds additional blessings and power to our individual prayers and to our testimonies. Personal, sincere involvement in the scriptures produces faith, hope, and solutions to our daily challenges. Frequently reading, pondering, and applying the lessons of the scriptures, combined with prayer, become an irreplaceable part of gaining and sustaining a strong, vibrant testimony.” (Book of Mormon St Manuel p. 220)
In deciding what activities we could properly engage in on the Sabbath, we could ask ourselves: Will it uplift and inspire me? Does it show respect for the Lord? Does it direct my thoughts to Him?
Think about something you can do to improve in your efforts to keep the Sabbath day holy. If you are a parent or grandparent, think about something you can do to help your children or grandchildren understand the meaning of the Sabbath.
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